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Shining Bright: Dana Steingold (’19) in the Alumni Spotlight

At just 19 years old, Dana Steingold ‘19 is already making waves as a published author. Her freshman-year paper for an independent Jewish studies course at the University of Illinois was featured on the cover of the Chicago Jewish Historical Society’s (CJHS) summer journal. Impressed by her work, the society hired her as an intern to write a second piece on the history of the Jewish community in her hometown of Buffalo Grove, IL

Dana’s assignment was to explore the archives of central Illinois’ Jewish community, but a conversation with her Zayde (grandfather) led her down a different path. She discovered that her great-great- grandparents had lived in a small, undocumented Jewish community in central Illinois. Determined to uncover their story, Dana embarked on her own research journey, piecing together the history of the area’s Jewish residents. Her paper captured the attention of the CJHS, earning her a spot on their journal’s cover.

Now a sophomore majoring in political science with a minor in Jewish studies, Dana traces her passion for history back to her days at Schechter. “My social studies classes at Schechter sparked my interest in history and inspired me to take on challenges like AP European History in high school,” Dana says. Her grandfather’s deep interest in politics fueled her decision to focus on political science.

Dana adds that she has always been inquisitive, especially about history. “I’m fascinated by how one person’s choices can profoundly impact others’ lives and stories,” she says.

During her 7th and 8th-grade years at Schechter, Dana recalls engaging in lively debates in social studies and English classes. “We’d split into groups to discuss hot political topics like the Colin Kaepernick situation in the NFL or debate an author’s intentions in English class. These exercises pushed me to dig deeper into stories, whether fiction or fact, and helped me form well-rounded opinions.”

Beyond sparking her love of history, Dana says that Schechter’s blend of general and Judaic studies left her well-prepared academically for high school. “Going to a school as big as Stevenson High School in Buffalo Grove can be very overwhelming, but having learned time management and study skills at Schechter definitely gave me a step up when getting used to the new environment.” 

Dana also credits Schechter with instilling a deep love of Judaism. “Attending a public high school after graduating from Schechter made me realize how integral my Jewish identity is to me. Additionally, my Hebrew skills from Schechter allowed me to finish high school Hebrew early and earn a seal of biliteracy.”

To this day, Dana says she remains close with many of her Schechter classmates. “Some I stayed connected with during high school and some I reconnected with once I got to college, and now we are very close.” 

We look forward to seeing where Dana’s journey takes her next and the impact she will continue to make. Click here to read the CJHS article.

Dana’s sister Maya, ‘23, is currently a sophomore at Stevenson High School. Her sister Brooke is currently in 2nd grade at Schechter.