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Frequently Asked

What are the benefits of a dual curriculum?

Our students thrive because of the dual curriculum. Research shows that children who learn more than one language develop a more resilient brain, and become more proficient in multitasking, problem solving, and perspective taking. Through our integrated curriculum, students grow intellectually as they delve into text – they analyze, think critically, collaborate with each other, and find ways to communicate and express their ideas in two languages. This gives them so many advantages in school and in life. They consistently score well above the norm on standardized tests, and leave Schechter with a strong sense of Jewish identity, knowledge, and values.

How does Schechter support different types of learners?

At Schechter, we are focused on the whole child. Our curriculum, schedule, environment, and nurturing faculty provide a place for students to grow socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually. We recognize that all students learn differently, and we offer differentiated instruction in both general and Judaic studies classes, as well as leveled classes for Hebrew and math.

Our outstanding faculty and extensive learning resource team, with guidance from our Instructional Coach/Accelerated Learning Coordinator, have received advanced training to meet the needs of diverse learners. Our resource team and faculty support and extend learning through push-in and pull-out models and small-group centers. We rely on a variety of measures, including classroom performance, and informal, formative, and standardized assessments to provide the concrete data necessary to make effective instructional decisions and to make sure each student continues to thrive.

Are Schechter graduates prepared for high school?

Our students graduate Schechter empowered with the knowledge, skills, and values to navigate high school and beyond. Schechter graduates emerge as creative and critical thinkers, becoming leaders and active participants in their public and private high schools. They are involved in all aspects of school life, including academics, athletics, and the arts. Area high school teachers repeatedly tell us that they can readily identify a Schechter graduate because of their ability to self-advocate, think critically, work hard, balance their course load, and treat other students and teachers with kindness and respect.

How are parents and families involved at Schechter?

Schechter is more than a school for students; it’s a place for families to connect and grow together. We create meaningful opportunities throughout the year for families to learn, socialize, participate in service projects, and celebrate being part of a strong and vibrant community. Our Parent Organization (PO) enhances the Schechter experience by supporting grade-level milestone events, holiday celebrations, and providing opportunities for parents and grandparents to volunteer and get involved in the school and broader community.

Does Schechter offer tuition support?

Yes. We are committed to making Schechter as affordable as possible for our families. We are proud to offer Flexible Tuition to families that is consistent with their financial means. 75% of our students – coming from families with a wide income range – benefit from Flexible Tuition. Our Flexible Tuition program involves a confidential process based on each family’s unique circumstances. We encourage you to explore how we can make a Schechter education more affordable for your family.

Do Schechter families practice a certain level of Judaism?

Schechter families represent a broad range of religious observances, including Reform, Conservative, Orthodox and unaffiliated. While family practices vary at home, Schechter parents share a commitment to academic excellence and to raising children with a strong sense of Jewish knowledge, identity, and values, and we come together as an inclusive community.

What does it mean to be a National Blue Ribbon School?

After a rigorous and multi-faceted process, Schechter was awarded the National Blue Ribbon by the U.S Department of Education in 2016. This recognition as an exemplary academic institution places Schechter among the top schools nation-wide based on student test scores and an in-depth evaluation of our curriculum, professional development, school climate, and academic supports. Schechter is positioned to undergo the robust application process again in the coming year.

Do you have early morning and or afternoon care?

We offer daily early care beginning at 7:30 AM for a fee. After school enrichment activities, athletics, and daily on-site after care are available.

Is there a lunch program?

Yes, we have a certified kosher lunch program. There are a variety of lunch plans that you may purchase for your child(ren). We alternate between dairy lunch days and meat lunch days: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are dairy; Tuesdays and Thursdays are meat days. Students may bring non-dairy/non-meat foods such as tuna, hummus, soy, fruits, and vegetables on any day.

Do you have bus service?

Yes. There is free bus service to our Northbrook school from several pick-up points: Buffalo Grove, Chicago, Deerfield, Evanston, Highland Park, Lake Zurich, and Skokie. Different buses pick up/drop-off from the different routes. Many of our families also drive in carpools. Pick-up and drop-off is quick, safe, and organized.